Strength & Stretch via Zoom!

Richard Puxty, one of Springbank’s sports massage therapists, has previously represented Great Britain in Triathlon events at elite/international level. This, combined with his years of professional experience in massage therapy gives him unique insight into how to keep the body healthy at all stages of fitness.
While the clinic remains closed Richard is unable to provide hands on therapy to patients but instead is able to offer assistance online. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am Richard will be offering 30 minute strength and stretch classes for a maximum of 12 people. These classes will specifically target middle-aged patients with joint issues, although Richard can adapt the exercises for anyone wanting to join who doesn’t fit into this category. Free introductory classes will be offered on 21st and 23rd April and classes thereafter will be charged at £4 per session.  
Should you wish to join a class, please send us a request by email ( and we will send you the corresponding Zoom link.

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