Ongoing Procedures During Covid

We are sure everyone is relieved now that life is returning to some form of ‘normal’ and the vaccination programme seems to have helped considerably towards people feeling safer in their everyday lives.

Here at the clinic our services have returned to almost all face to face appointments for both physical and talking therapies.
However, there are one or two measures that we are keeping in place for the time being to comply with advice from our governing bodies and to ensure the wellbeing of both our patients and staff …

As many of you know, we implemented a system to reduce patient numbers in the clinic at any one time and ask that you kindly continue with this routine, using your cars as a ‘waiting room’. We are very fortunate to have a large parking area which allows patients to wait in their cars until they are called in. As the winter approaches we are not sure how we could maintain our present level of service without it!

Our staff will continue to wear full PPE and deep clean the room between each patient. We ask that patients continue to wear masks at all times in all areas of the clinic, unless otherwise advised by your practitioner.
Please let the reception staff know if you have an exemption.

We are very grateful that our patients are all willing to follow these ongoing procedures. The result is that it helps to protect yourself and others, but also means in the event of anyone visiting the clinic and subsequently contracting the covid virus elsewhere, we will have done everything we possibly can to prevent spread within the clinic.

Our reception cover is between 8.45am and 5pm week days only. Outside of these times please leave us a voice message or use our online booking service to make an appointment.

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