UncategorisedPsycho-neuroimmunology (PNI) 
Psycho-neuroimmunology (PNI)
Our Physiotherapist Angel Lopez is trained in Sports Physiotherapy and Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology (cPNI) He uses both scientific pathways to treat patients. What does PNI actually mean? Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a holistic approach to treating patients. PNI looks at the patients’ diet, physical exercise, psychology, anatomy, etc. with the aim of boosting the...
UncategorisedStaying Mobile Whilst Working From Home 
Staying Mobile Whilst Working From Home
Catherine Alexander, Sports Massage Therapist Sitting at your desk for prolonged periods of time can significantly impact your posture and well-being. It is important to remember to do some form of activity at regular intervals. Our Sports Massage Therapist, Catherine Alexander, has put together this short video to help you...
WellbeingAppointment Procedure during CV-19 
Appointment Procedure during CV-19
Updated 15th May We are now able to offer Emergency / Urgent / In need appointments from Monday 11th May with Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and podiatrists (book online or telephone). Please see www.springbankclinic.co.uk and follow the online booking link to see available practitioners and the days they are working. Neuro Physiotherapists are also going...
Mental HealthHelping our Children in Corona Times 
Helping our Children in Corona Times
Louise Wilson, Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (MA, UKCP) April 2020 Helping children deal with the current situation Most of us feel some degree of anxiety at the moment. A bit unsafe. Even the adults. It’s taken most of us several weeks to even start to calm ourselves down and...
UncategorisedSeeking online therapy in the context of COVID-19 
Seeking online therapy in the context of COVID-19
By Dr Sarah Lloyd, DLG Psychology, Springbank Clinic COVID-19 is affecting everyone’s mental health although the impact and severity of the distress will depend on many different individual and environmental factors. It’s important to normalise the experience of grief, sadness, anger and anxiety in these uncertain times. It’s okay to...
Musculo-SkeletalJames West GB athlete interview 
James West GB athlete interview
James West is a local athlete who has been selected for Great Britain last summer. He is a 1500m / 3000m runner who is on the cusp of making the Olympic team, he is one for who the years delay may well be beneficial. After attending Loughborough Uni, he has...
UncategorisedNeuro Physiotherapy Consultations 
Neuro Physiotherapy Consultations
Jane Cast and Elissa Benson are delivering consultations with their clients via telephone and video techniques. Continuity of treatment for many of the patients that consult the Neuro Physiotherapists can be critical to rehabilitating after Neuro vascular incidents such as a stroke, TIA or Head trauma. Regaining mobility, strength and...