UncategorisedFurther Practitioners available Online 
Further Practitioners available Online
Mark Pitcairn-Knowles (Osteopath) and Jay Jindal (Audiologist) are now available for online video appointments via the book online button on the website. Mark will be available between 10.30am and 12 noon each weekday morning for 15 minute consultation. The aim of these appointments will be to discuss any symptoms that...
UncategorisedStrength & Stretch via Zoom! 
Strength & Stretch via Zoom!
Richard Puxty, one of Springbank’s sports massage therapists, has previously represented Great Britain in Triathlon events at elite/international level. This, combined with his years of professional experience in massage therapy gives him unique insight into how to keep the body healthy at all stages of fitness. While the clinic remains...
UncategorisedBooking Telehealth Online Appointments 
Booking Telehealth Online Appointments
Due to the Covid-19 lockdown our clinic software provider has brought forward the launch of their Telehealth System. We have carried out some testing and the first live ‘appointment’ with Angel Lopez Caceres (Physiotherapist) went ahead successfully on 14th April. We are confident that the system works well and has...
Musculo-SkeletalIs the Covid19 infection your only concern during confinement? 
Is the Covid19 infection your only concern during confinement?
As one of the professionals (Physiotherapist) at Springbank Clinic, what really concerns me is the fact that over 1.5 million people are obliged to stay at home for more than 22 hours per day, a situation which very few of us have experienced before, for any length of time. While many...